Within the book, I saw this Tunisian Crochet flower pillow pattern, super cute! I had never done Tunisian Crochet so I decided to try something new and give it a shot. Here's how it came out!
Not too shabby if I say so myself :-) This project definitely took considerably longer to do than any of my other crochet projects! I guess it was because Tunisian was new to me and also because (no offense Pauline) her instructions were so confusing!! I must have done the first petal over about 8 times before FINALLY understanding what she was trying to say... geez... oh well now it's done and I'm a pro at Tunisian :-)
In the book, it says to create two of these, one for the front and another for the back but since this one took me so long, I think I'm just going to stuff it and sew a fabric backing onto it and call it a day :-)
Anyone else attempt this project?
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