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Monday, October 31, 2011

Futurama Brain Slugs!!

Brain Slug Bros
My friend and her boyfriend dressed up as Leela and Fry from Futurama and of course, needed brain slugs to complete their costume.  We stitched these little guys up the night before we went downtown and they were perfect!!  We used white and black felt for the eyes.  The white was sewed on and the black dot was just glued on with good ol' tacky glue.  The pattern basically consists of a typical round crochet pattern, increasing as you go (~5 rounds) then just crocheting stitch for stitch no inc or dec (~2 rounds), decreasing to make his little "hourglass shape" (lol) and then finally increasing again towards the bottom to get that little flare.  The little "phalanges" are simply made by counting up: sc, hdc, dc, treble, dc, hdc, sc... EZPZ :-)

Mad props goes to Katy Ellen for coming up with such a great pattern AND making it FREE for anyone to enjoy!  Go check out her pattern on Ravelry and make some slugs for yourself :-)


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